I guess it was then that I realized maybe Abby and Noah were not playing such a sweet little game after all. Jim had taken Noah to school, so I called him on the cell and asked if he was still with Noah so that he could drill him about where the doll might be, as our Abby was so distressed that we could not find her precious doll. Unfortunately, he had already headed back home. I was so tempted to have him get him out of class and interrogate him as to the whereabouts of the doll.
This prompted and even in depth search for said doll. I started looking in places that the doll might get thrown that Abby could not reach like ontop of bookshelves, dressers, and bunkbeds. We still could not find the doll. Abby was so upset at this point, wandering around the house, "Mom. Where's Abby Dabby?" I just could not understand where the doll could be. I firmly believe that there is black hole in our house. You know the one, where all the socks go, or one mitten, and things like that. But, I was certain that Abby Cadaby had not made it to this black hole. I just saw Noah and Abby with it not an hour before all of this.
Well, after much searching and pleading, we finally found Abby Cadaby. I was right in thinking that Noah had something to do with it, because said doll was stuffed into one of the baby toys and hidden under the bed. I had seen the toy earlier on our initial 3 or 4 searches of the room, but failed to actually look inside the toy. Here are some picks of her little hiding spot.
Here is the toy I found the doll in.
And here is the doll, all nestled nicely in her hiding spot.
I guess she needs to get used to it. With 4 brothers, I am sure it will not be the first Hide and Seek expidition we have to go on for favorite toys.