Here are my 4 boys. Tyler is in pink, Jacob is in green, Noah is in blue, and Sunshine (Daniel) is in yellow of course. I actually got a great shot with all the boys cooperating. Unfortunately that cooperation did not last. See pics below.
And here comes the hard part. Trying to get all the kids to stay still and smiling at the same time to get a pic of all of them together. Mostly it is getting Sunshine to cooperate and the other 4 to be ready when he finally decides to look at the camera. I will post all of the pics and you can decide which one is the best of all 5 together. LOL.
Last picture here is of Sunshine and his buddy Tyler. They are best buds. Sunshine and Abby both got those Mr. Potato Head bunnies, one pink one and one blue one. Well, here is what Sunshine and Tyler came up with.
Easter this year was very fun for all. Lots of candy, lots of eggs, and lots of fun. But more important we had so much great family time. It is great to be able to spend such wonderful days with the family having great times. It is also great to be reminded of the wonderful sacrifice that has been made for us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. What a way to spend a day, playing around with family and remembering our Savior, together as a family.
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