The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Don't Eat Pete!!!

I just had to blog this mostly so that I would not forget the moment. We played Don't Eat Pete for FHE last night and Daniel was just hilarious. If you are not aware how to play... We divided a piece of paper into 8 slots. Each family member got to draw a face. We then sent one person out of the room and decided which face was "Pete". I put 2 pieces of M&M's on each face and when the family member came back to the room, they started eating candy off the faces. When they got to the face we chose as Pete, everyone screams "Don't Eat Pete."

It was a lot of fun. The kids had a blast. Daniel was the 5th person to go out of the room, so he had watched all the brothers eat the candy and was sooooo excited to get his chance to eat candy. When he came back in the room, he just started shoving the M&M's in his mouth as fast as he could. He was laughing so hard and as he was putting candy into his mouth, it was falling out. He actually did very well and did not pick "Pete" until last, so he got to have all of the candy. He was a slobbery, laughing, cocholate mess, but he was so very cute. It was adorable. At 2, I am not sure he understood the idea of the game, but boy did he understand that you get to eat the candy. LOL. What a fun night. FHE can really be entertaining at times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sis,

Keith, Angela and I attended a primary fun day this past saturday at the church where we did play this game. Trying to get Angela and Keith to settle a little to pay attention is quite arduous for us. However, we playined this game and they loved it (along with being able to through balled up socks in a make shift indoor pretend snowball fight).

We have the board and when all of us are together, we will play this game.