The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He is an official WALKER

Okay, so all of the kids (minus 1) have been early walkers, walking before 1 year old. Tyler was probably the earliest at about 10-1/2 months old. Well, that is before now. Jameson started taking his first steps just a week or so after he turned 9 months old. By 10 months old he is just walking all over the place and getting into everything. HE IS CRAZY!!!!!!

He definitely keeps us all on our toes. It is so cute seeing such a little guy toddling all over the place. He has the Frankenstien stiff leg walk down pat and enjoys chasing after all his brothers and sister. I am convinced that he thinks he has to keep up with them all, so that is why he has been so fast at all this stuff. He is determined to do everything they are doing. LOL. Here is some video of his walking from just the other day. Enjoy.

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