So I think I say this with every birthday, but I cant believe how big these kids are getting. Feels so weird to think that half the Snook crew is now 8 and baptized. Noah has been so excited for this birthday. He was so excited to be baptized, get his own set of scriptures, and finally be 8.
He requested an ice cream cake and wanted iron man. So we got this ice cream cake and the iron man toys to put on top. He thought it was the best. I am glad that they can still be pleased by simpleness.

His birthday was on a Sunday. He even got to do scripture/prayer in primary on his birthday. That was a planned or special thing just because it was his birthday, it just worked out that way, but he sure thought it was special. When we came home from church, he enjoyed opening his presents.
The kids each love to hand their presents to the birthday boy/girl and wish them a Happy Birthday. Jameson unfortunately still thinks the presents are his and wants to play with them.
Here is his take from the fam. He had a great time and cant wait to use the squirt gun. He is very excited about the legos. Him and daddy had a great time (during nap time the next day) putting together the Lego Power Miners and the Mega Blocks Iron Man. Geronimo Stilton is also a huge favorite so he was excited to get 2 books from Mommy.

it is hard to get him to sit still long enough to do anything, but here is one quick shot of him getting ready to blow out his candles. He just couldnt wait to get the iron man toys off of it. One to lick the frosting off and another to play with them. I dont think he ate too much of his cake as he was too busy playing with his new toys.
The next Saturday he finally got to be baptized. He has been so excited to be a big boy like Jacob and Noah and get baptized. Him and James spent some time practicing and he was ready for the big day. Below is a picture of Noah and the other boy who was getting baptized with Noah. He was from a different Ward in our Stake.

We had someone that was just standing there take a picture of all of us. Thus, we have a picture from too far away. Anyway, here is all 8 of us on Noah's big day.
Here is one of all 6 kids. Look at all those cute little people. They make me smile and laugh each and every day. I cannot believe how blessed I am.

Noah and Daddy on the big day.

Noah got to finally open his brand new set of scriptures. This is probably the thing he has been waiting for the most. He wanted a green set of scriptures, so we got him green scriptures with a green tote. He was seen all day Saturday of the baptism and the Sunday following carrying around his scriptures. He is so proud to finally have his own set. Now at night when we do scripture and prayer, he is one of the first to run and get his very own scriptures! Here he is right after (I mean right after) the baptism was over. I barely caught up to him in time to get this shot.

I wanted one of Noah in front of the font. I cannot decide which picture I like better, the one above or the one below. I like the one above because it is totally Noah's personality. I like the fingers pointing up and his cute little bare feet. But, the one below is just so precious as well. Thank you to my awesome photog husband to capture the great spirit of the day!

Anyway, Happy Birthday to our little man Noah! Here are some great things we love about Noah.
- Noah has a wonderful imagination. He loves Legos, building, and creating things. He comes up with some of the funnest, craziest, and most amazing things sometimes.
- Noah is always very cuddly. I can always count on him to sit on my lap and snuggle with me. I miss that in some of the other (older) kids, I will appreciate this fro Noah for as long as it lasts.
- Noah is a funny, crazy little man. He can be a big goof ball at times and make us all laugh.
- Noah comes up with some great stories. He has such a good imagination and can make up some fun stories, games, and songs as he is playing around.
- Noah LOVES to play baseball. He absolutely loves playing catcher and has a great time out there at all his games playing around and enjoying being a part of his team.
- Noah is a great brother! He loves his little brothers Daniel and Jameson and can be seen sharing and playing with them often. He also loves his sister Abigail. It is fun to watch him interact with her and play some kind of family game or doll stuff. He enjoys being one of the "big" boys too and playing around with Jacob and Tyler.
- Noah is full of all kinds of spirit! As much as this gets him in trouble sometimes, it is also very endearing. He always has energy and exuberance to play and have a good time.
- As much as Noah is full of all kinds of spirit, he is also full of a wonderful Spirit. The Spirit of Jesus Christ. His genuine excitement about church and reading scriptures shows his testimony. He is often the one to remind us to do scripture and prayer at night.
I love you Noah. Here is to many more Happy Birthdays! Hope you had a great day and congratulations on the baptism.