The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Noah

Another day, another catch up blog. While at Grammy and Poppy's Noah turned 6 years old. I cannot believe the little guy is 6 already. It goes by so fast. Seems like just the other day we were running around calling him Baby Noah.

He has grown so much in the last few years. He is our quiet little guy and has really begun to blossom in the last few years. He loves to tell stories and play pretend. He also loves his big brother Jacob and follows him whereever he goes.

I remember a few years in a row where Noah got Thomas the tank engine stuff for every birthday and christmas present. He has grown beyond Thomas now and is in to Dinosaurs and legos.

His 6 birthday just happened to fall on the day that Wall-E came out in the theaters, so Tyler, Jacob, Abby, and I all accompanied Noah on a trip to the theater to see Wall-E. It is now a new favorite movie and we eagerly await its arrival at the stores for purchase.

Amongst many birthday presents, Noah enjoyed receiving a V-smile pocket from Grammy and Poppy, a board game from Tyler and Jacob, and a Planet hero guy from Daniel. We had a nice quiet day and enjoyed some cake and ice cream for dinner. (Who said I cannot be a cool mom :)

Some highlights of Noah's year:

  • Preschool at St. Pauls were he learned his ABC's and made lots of new friends. They went on some great feild trips including PetSmart, Griz Stadium and running through the tunnel, and the Bread store to learn how bread is made.
  • Grew 2 inches since last summer. (Someday he will start to gain weight LOL).
  • Enjoyed going Folfing with Daddy.
  • Rode a 2 wheeler by himself for the first time.
  • Moved from Missoula, MT to Spokane, WA.

I am sure there is more, but that is why we are supposed to write these things down before we forget them all. He really has grown a ton. I remember this time last year, we were stressing about if he was ready to go to Kindergarten. We decided to hold out one more year and I truly think it was the best decision. He is so ready and so excited for kindergarten this year. He is talking better and learning so much now. I am sure he will love school just like his big brothers. Happy Birthday and here is to another year with our little guy.


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