The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jameson Firsts

Jameson is growing way to fast. It always happens doesn't it. We just go through each day and they get bigger and bigger and progress so fast.

I just thought I would document a few of his firsts for memory sake. He is now officially 9 months old (as of a few days ago) and is just getting into everything and keeping us on our toes. He climbs the stairs, gets into the bathroom, loves to pull drawers open and empty them of their contents, and has officially taken his first steps. WOW! He is an amazing little man. I am so proud of him.

Here are some pictures of some of the fun times with Jameson.

This is actually one of the first times he was able to pull himself up on the hearth. It was about at 6 months or so. He has now moved on to climbing onto it and cruising along the fireplace. He will also lean over the edge to get something off the floor and kind of belly slide (like a seal) to get off. It is very comical to watch.

This is actually the very first time he stood up on his own. It was just a bit before Christmas so he was about 8-1/2 months old. I just thought I would snap a shot and text to Jim at work to say hi. I stood him up thinking he would fall down and he didnt. I quickly took the shot. Now, he is all over the place. LOL. What was I thinking teaching him a new trick. He has enough in his arsenal. LOL.

And here is his lovely drawer emptying abilities. He loves to pull open these drawers and pull out all the towels and rags. The drawer below has all the "kids" cups and he loves to play around with those as well. Fun times.

Here he is with his first sucker. Boy it really pays to have older siblings!!!!! He loved this one. I couldnt help it, I had to take a picture before I took the sucker away from him. LOL. Look at those chubby little cheeks. He was really sucking hard on that one.

I love this one as well. Notice the binky upside down. He loves to put it in this way. He is just TOO COOL FOR THE BINKY!!!!

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