The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blue and Gold Banquet

With 2 boys in Cub Scouts, this year we had the chance to make 2 cakes for the Blue and Gold Banquet. The theme was the United States, so the boys decided on what they wanted to do.Jacob wanted to do a flag. He chose the Betsy Ross Flag.

Here he is learning how to use the star tip and putting stars on the flag. As you can see it is just a basic rectangle cake pan decorated with red, white, and blue frosting. We got the can of red and blue, I thought that would be easier with the lines and such. Before we put the stars on, we marked on the blue with a toothpick the position for each star, so we would not end up with a lopsided circle.

Tyler really wanted to do a boat cake. He wanted the Mayflower. I was hesitant to do the cake at first, but then I remembered that for his birthday we got a SD car cake pan. I figured that we could use that and turn the car on its top giving a basic boat shape and then cut/shave it into an actual boat shape. It turned out pretty good, I think.

We had fun decorating it and cutting it up. The first cut to put the back and deck into the boat, it actually fell apart. I was afraid that we were done for right there. Luckily I brought home a lot of chopsticks from a party at work, so we used 3 chopsticks from back to front that held the whole thing together. Covered in icing you never even see them. LOL.
The front chopstick that angles out is actually holding the front of the boat together as well. Towards the end of putting it together, the front end started to crumble and fall apart. I was afraid we were going to loose it before the night actaully came. Tyler said if it did then we would just have a crashed Mayflower and explain how thankful we should be that this did not really happen. He had a great spirit about it. I was afraid he would be upset if it fell apart, but he really proved that he understood how hard of a task it was. he did a great job decorating it.
Here he is piping Mayflower onto the back of it with black icing. He also put the sails together and figured out how to do the crowsnest. We were tempted to put a few lego guys on deck and in the crowsnest, but did not want to tempt fate in holding the boat together.

Finished Mayflower

Finished Betsy Ross Flag

Both finished cakes together.
It was a pretty fun night. I was a bit overwhelmed at the thought of putting together 2 cakes with working full time and all, but it got done with happy boys in the end. I could not ask for anything more. They had a great time, learned a few things about cake decorating, and of course had fun eating it all as well.
Tyler's cake won Most Original and Jacob's cake won Most All American.

1 comment:

Sherron said...

Those cakes look awesome! Teresa, you are a great mom! I love the name Tyler, so he has won points from me on the get go. I can't use the name because Tyler Taylor just doesn't work!
Great job boys!