The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tooth Fairy visits 2 days in a row

I have been meaning to post this for a few days now, since it did happen last week and all.

Jacob has had 4 teeth, yes 4, getting progressively loose throughout the last few months. Finally, on Wednesday he came home from school and one of his eye teeth on the bottom was ready to come out. It took much coaxing, but he finally let me pull it out. After only one quick tug it was out and he was so happy to get a chance for the tooth fairy to come. Tyler has had quite a few visits from the tooth fairy this past year, so now Jacob was excited to have a turn.

Well, then Thursday came and we decided to visit Daddy at work, so off to the Community Center we went, with dinner for Daddy in hand. Of course, being cooped up in the house a lot lately due to very cold wheather makes a few boys a bit overzealous when it comes to wide open spaces. After being in the open area of the community center for just a few minutes, the kids started getting very hyper and decided to play a rousing game of tag or something of the like. (I don't really know because I was trying to let them run and get their energy out and talking with Jim).

After just a few minutes, Jacob started crying. Apparently he had been knocked down by one of the other brother's and hit his face on the ground. His 2 top front teeth have been loose for a while, but this sudden blow to the mouth knocked them even looser. When we got home, he was brave enough to let me pull these out also.

So, 2 visits in 2 days from the tooth fairy for a total of 3 teeth. Needless to say, Jacob was very excited to have the additional coins added to his piggy bank. He has visions of a Wii in his head (I am not sure he realizes he does not have that many teeth).

Here is a pic of our newly toothless child. He has become accostume to eating on the sides of his mouth and talking with a bit of a lisp. It is so very cute to see them at this toothless stage in life.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Cameron is the only one that has lost teeth so far in our family, but I think most of them have come out due to rowdy behavior...boys, boys, boys! I didn't realize how much I needed Paige till we got her!