The Snook Crew

The Snook Crew

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The kids have found a new love... That is stealing my camera any chance they can get and take hundreds of pictures. Thank goodness for digital cameras and I can delete the many repeats. LOL.

Tyler especially has gotten into photography and is a budding photojournalist just like his father. Just before we left Missoula, Jim took him out quite a few times to take pictures of the Rugby and Lacrosse games that were constantly going on in the big field by the house. He really did enjoy it and got quite a few great pics out of it. Here is his favorite from that.

While at Grammy's house, Jacob and Tyler were constanly running off with my camera. They did get a few shots that I liked, so I kept them and will share them with you now.

Of course one of the most important shots is to get one of yourself. So I thought this was a fun one of Jacob. Don't see that smile on him very often, so we gotta enjoy it while we can.

This one is also a favorite of mine. It is of Jacob and Noah's shadows. I just thought it was a fun idea and came out pretty cool looking.

Needless to say they all want digital cameras for their birthdays. If only we could afford to get them all one cause you know if we only get one for use by all the kids they will constantly fight over it. We will have to check into something I guess for these budding photographers of ours. I can also say that Jim is so very proud of them all. Glad they can follow in his footsteps.

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